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The company Koupkas Filter & Oil North Hellas is active in the automotive and spare parts sector
from 1989. 

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Years Experience in the field of spare parts.
Google Reviews The best customer service rating.
Brands Variety of spare parts manufacturers
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2024-02-01 14:19:17

Car Batteries

What are they and how do they work? 

A car battery is a rechargeable battery which is used to start a vehicle. 
Its’ main purpose is to supply electricity to the electric starter motor, which in turn starts the internal combustion engine which is essentially what propels the vehicle. 

2023-12-20 14:19:17

Fuel Filters

What does a fuel filter do?

The fuel filter (for internal combustion engines) consists of two parts: a filter element and a housing and the design of each fuel filter can be quite different. Replaceable fuel filter elements, in-line filters, and screw-on filters are the common types.

2023-12-13 19:17:00

Antifreeze or coolant?

ifferences between antifreeze and coolant.

The terms antifreeze and coolant are usually used interchangeably, however there is a technical difference between them. Antifreeze is a concentrated glycol-based liquid that mixes with the water in the engine's cooling system to prevent it from freezing.

2023-08-25 14:19:17

Use of well-known lubricants

A vital factor for smooth operation

The use of branded and quality lubricants is a vital factor for the smooth operation and longevity of internal combustion engines (gasoline, diesel). Lubricants play a key role in reducing friction between moving engine parts, providing protection against wear and oxidation.

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